Monday, October 26, 2015


When my mother passed away I felt like my world had ended. My heart contained a chronic pain that could not be explained. It caused me to reject any type of love people attempted to show me. I became very isolated because I didn't want to open up to anyone, I couldn't do it they would eventually hurt me was my mentality. I put a lock on my heart and threw the key in the trash. It's funny how time changes things, I'm now searching for that damn key/ I want to experience the fullness of love, the only thing that is truly priceless. I'm at a point where happiness is not an afterthought, this day seemed non-existent back then. I want to encourage anyone who is going thru something that is weighing on them. Trust that you can and will see better days, know that there are people who understand what you're experiencing. Don't deny the pain you feel, everything won't be ok all the time. Just know that you were built to win and you have what it takes!!!!

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