Thursday, July 7, 2016

The upbringings of black boys are very challenging. We have to deal with a multitude of bullshit like absent fathers, mothers too young to be good parents, police brutality etc.. I always felt disturbed when I heard black parents tell their kids to be as non-threatening as possible around authority, which forces submission and passive behavior. I feel that some of our problems stem from being told what to do and who we are, instead of being encouraged to explore like the rest of the inhabitants of this world. These things usually happen before most boys have any say so in their lives. There's a disadvantage form birth, most are set up to fail; obviously there is no room for excuses in life, buy they do exist. The world doesn't care that you grew up without a father, it doesn't matter if cops profile you because of the color of your skin. Life is too short to feed the negativity despite the odds not being in our favor, we can all make it past these obstacles. The solution is recognizing our own abilities, some days it will feel like we don't stand a chance at advancing in this world. I've seen people accept the fact that they will struggle for their entire life on earth. It takes a strong-willed, ambitious person to strive for a better future. It's too easy to feel trapped and become a victim; when you're accustomed  to living a hard life, it all seems so routine. When these feelings are present change should be sought after, we are all creatures of habit. The habits don't discriminate either, good or bad ones are equally present. We must continue to strive to be Gods, life is meant to be experienced not just survived.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

My questions for the ladies inspired by Ciara and Russell Wilson!!

Image result for ciara engagedImage result for ciara engaged 

First off I would like to say that I'm always proud when I see a black man and woman come together and form a family. It's something that seems rare, at least it's rarely showcased. Those examples need to be displayed more for our youth and the adults who have given up on the idea of love and companionship.

What I want to talk about is something that has been on social media, Ciara and Russell Wilson's engagement/ relationship. What I want to know is why must people bash her ex when she has clearly moved on? I don't get it, if she's happy in a new union why keep bringing up the past? The memes are starting to get old. I don't usually speak or even get involved in the media dominated topics, but I want to gain understanding from the ladies.

Why don't women take responsibility for dating and/ or attracting "bad" guys? I get tired of hearing the excuses. When is it time to grow up and admit that it might be you as well? A person can only put you through what you allow. Why do ladies have to be constantly dogged by a guy before she tries to double back for the dude who pursued her all along? Where's the honesty and self- evaluation? I don't want to seem like I'm attacking the ladies, I really am curious. Feel free to comment on here or on my Facebook or Instagram, I look forward to the dialogue.

Thursday, March 3, 2016


We all ask, beg and expect the truth from others, but we're willing to lie and/or hide something if it is to our personal benefit. I watched an internet radio show earlier and the topic was, Why We Lie? It was more about the lies we tell in our relationships. The question was posed, "Does your relationship compromise your manhood/womanhood? Do you have to lie to keep your relationship alive? I have been thinking about this all day. One thing I despise is dishonesty. No matter how it affects me initially I want the unfiltered truth. I've been called mean my entire life because I don't know how to lie effectively. In no way am I acting like I don't lie, I do it often. I'm big on protecting peoples feelings, which helps me justify telling half-truths. The problem is (in my opinion) that we've been conditioned to lie since we were younger. How many times have you heard adults tell a little boy, “it doesn't hurt be quiet”, when they're hurt? Obviously there are instances when you tell someone to suck it up, but imagine a person telling you how you're feeling. The media here is a prime example of dishonest practices. Its all around us, political campaigns on the tv and internet. These politicians sit up and put on fronts in order to gain supporters, which is phony as well. I listen to rap music and rappers are always talking about “keeping it real”. It goes without saying though, anybody that has to keep shouting how real they are can't believe their own words. I was heavy into religion until I realized that a lot of the things I blindly believed was not factual. It's impossible to be religious and well read. I literally have been on a mission to live in truth. Now that truth can differ for every individual because we're all different in someways. One of the books I read tht helped me tremendously was Empire Of Illusion: The End Of Literacy and The Trump Of Spectacle by Chris Hedges. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to open their eyes to the truth. I want feedback o this topic so feel free to comment. Are you honest with yourself on a daily basis? How easy is it for you to tell a lie? What makes a lie justifiable? Does white lies count as being dishonest? Feel free to add on and share this as well!