Sunday, November 15, 2015

We All Need Fellowship and someone to speak positivity into our lives.

A few days ago I was feeling discouraged about my business and finances, just life in general. I really needed a word of encouragement and I got a call from my uncle. After our twenty minute conversation it was like a breath of fresh air, I realized in the moment that we all need one another. Too often we wait until we need a favor to pick up the phone and talk to our loved ones. It shouldn't take a person going to jail or being in the hospital for people to reach out and display unity. I'm a person that is more secluded with my personal life, I don't let a lot of people in my inner circle. I won't say that it's a flaw but that is a problem because when I'm down or discouraged I just let it build up. Granted no one to wants to sit up and hear me complain about my problems, I recognize we all need to communicate better with each other. In grade school we're all a part of these groups and cliques that help us feel like we belong to something and have a little support. As adults those groups are hard to come by, families become distant and so does most friends. It's obviously a part of growing and maturing, I just feel like our collective selfishness leads to the separation. Too many of us take the stance that we don't need anybody, but that is far from the truth. In this world each individual is a part of a greater collective, the sooner we realize how much we need one another the better our lives will become.

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